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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Please visit the CAMHS website to see information on initiatives and support that are available to families.



Children and young people, parents and carers in crisis can call the Alder Hey CAMHS crisis care line 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0151 293 3577 or freephone 0808 196 3550 They should only present to Accident Emergency Department if they need medical treatment or are struggling to keep themselves safe in the immediate moment.

What does Our Lady & St Philomena's have in place to support the mental health & well-being of it's pupils & families?




The REACT group is an anxiety intervention. It provides psychoeducation around anxiety and healthy coping skills to a group of 6-8 children (or less). REACT aims to equip trainers to be able to deliver five sessions across a five week block, to a group of young people each time they deliver. The sessions are informed by cognitive therapy and behavioural therapy, especially in response to exploring thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns around anxiety. Each session is designed to last around 50 minutes, and are designed to easily be slotted into the school day, or adopted in other youth settings.




Given that physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for premature death, it is vital that young people develop positive health behaviours as early as possible. The LSSP POWER programme will support the development of positive health behaviours in a fun and engaging way so that learning becomes embedded. The POWER programme will target and engages with 45 of our most inactive KS2 pupils and is delivered over 6 weeks (50 mins x 15 children)




We believe that Yoga, incorporated into the curriculum, can have a real impact in our school.  Based on traditional yoga concepts and poses combined with mindfulness and breathing exercises, Yoga helps to develop children’s self-confidence, self-esteem and self-respect for themselves and others. The delivery of Yoga is extremely engaging, fun and inclusive. Yoga is also proven to contribute positively towards young people’s mental, and emotional well-being and personal development – something we know is a real priority for young people. It is proving really popular with our pupils (and some of the staff have been known to join in).




AURTISTIC provides creative wellbeing activities, workshops and experiences, to support mental and physical wellbeing for all ages. This encourages personal development, self-expression, emotional awareness and healing.  

AURTISTIC have developed a range of workshops that create awareness of self, mindset, emotions, and thoughts. They are educational, fun, and therapeutic. Some workshops are designed to positively challenge and enhance resilience. One of our most popular interventions so far!


Bereavement Counselling to support Mental Health:


Shock, anger, sadness and anxiety are common feelings during the grieving process, and they can be overwhelming for children. Bereavement counselling offers support at this challenging time. It is a form of therapy that helps the bereaved to explore and process distressing and confusing feelings.


Cathy Creswell Parenting for anxiety: Helping your child with fears and worries:


This is a CBT led parent intervention which focuses on upskilling parents to help their child with difficulties with anxiety. The intervention will involve one assessment session with the child, but most of the work is completed with parent and practitioner working together as a team. Parents will learn to reducing reassurance giving, ask curious questions, problem solve, promote independence, create a step-by-step approach to facing fears, and implement rewards to increase motivation.


Parenting for Conduct Intervention:


This is another parent led intervention which focuses on guiding a child to engage in appropriate behaviour by upskilling parents to reinforce positive behaviour and negatively reinforce behaviour we want to change. The intervention consists of 6 sessions, all face-to-face, over a 6-week period. Sessions are held within OLASP.


