Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and we aim to have all of our children reading with confidence despite their starting points.
Phonics is taught through the use of the DFE validated Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme ‘ReadWriteInc.’ It is a whole school approach to teaching early reading and writing, designed to ensure progress for every child. Integrated comprehension, writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary and handwriting means that Read Write Inc. is more than just a phonics programme and helps develop key literacy skills for every child.
On Wednesday 30th November 2022 at 3:10 there will be a Parent/Carer information meeting in school on Read Write Inc. Mr Doyle, Mrs Sheriff and Mrs Southern will meet with parents/carers to explain how the programme works and give families advice on how they can help to reinforce what is learnt in school at home and how to find resources to help support your child. Please do come along.
Videos to learn about Phonics
Parent video - What is RWI Phonics
Understanding Phonics
Sound blending
How to say the sounds
Parent video: Introduction to Daily Read Write Inc. Phonics Lessons
How to support phonics learning at home | Oxford Owl
Parent video - The Phonics Screening check
Useful Websites
Oxford Owl
Teach your monster to read
Bug Club
Phonics Song (YouTube)
Phonics Games
Mr Thorne’s Phonics
Phonics Play
Reading in classes across the whole school from Years 1 - 6 is focused on high quality class novels chosen to link to children’s interests and topics taught in lessons.
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum that we teach please contact the school directly.