Hello and Welcome to Year 1
Class 1A are taught by Mrs Askew and Mrs Thompson.
We have a very busy year ahead as the children continue their learning adventure in year 1. This page will be used to let you know about the fun learning taking place in our class. We will include information about topics, news, reminders and help for your child.
Here is some general information for Autumn Term 2015:
Every Thursday we have PE so don't forget your kit. All children need a school kit of blue shorts, white T-shirt and black pumps. Make sure that all items of uniform are marked with your child's name. This saves much time and trouble.
- Spellings given out on Friday for a quiz the following week.
- Different types of homework will be used. Sometimes:
'Creative' finding out about a new topic
'Practice Makes Perfect' handwriting/spelling/Maths problems
'Talk Time' talking about what we are learning in school.

Mrs Thompson and I try our very best to listen to your child read each day and we would be delighted if you could listen to your child read for ten minutes every day also. Sign the book and make comments to let us know any difficulties they may have had. Reading with your child will make a huge difference to their progress. Remember that discussing the book and asking your child questions about the story is just as important as listening to them read the words.
Things we are doing in class that you can do at home:
- Ask your child to count as many objects as they can find - this could be at home, in the car or even on the way to school.
- Challenge them further by giving a number to count up or down from.
- You can use the 100 splat square at home.
- If you still want a further challenge, try counting from 0 to 100 and 100 to 0 in 2's, 5's or 10's under 3 minutes.
- If you write your own labels, lists or captions, bring them in to show the rest of the class.
- Read other books in addition to your class reading book (Library, Comics, online).
- Use our list of links to Useful Websites to help at home.
Could you also please ensure that all your children's clothing is labelled with their name, especially jumpers.
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