Friday 9th September
Spring 1 - Vets and Pets
The children have enjoyed playing in the vet role play. The children have been talking about their pets or pets that they would like to have. They will be making homes for pets and learning how to care for animals.
The children will be exploring the book 'Dear Zoo'.
Chinese New Year
At the end of the half term, the children will be learning all about Chinese New Year. The children will get a chance to play in the Chinese restaurant and will taking part in lots of craft activities. They will also get a chance to taste Chinese food at our Chinese New Year celebrations.
There will be a story and craft session on Tuesday 2nd February. More information will follow.
Spring 2
Blast Off!
This half term, the children are going to be exploring the topic space.
The children will be encouraged to ask questions and then work together to find the answers.
The children will enjoy playing in the space station role play area and building their own space ship.
The books that we will be looking at are 'Whatever Next' and 'Aliens Love Underpants'. Use the links below to look at the books online.
Summer 1
The Ugly Bug Ball
This half term, the children will be exploring and finding out about the fascinating world or minibeasts! The children will be searching the outdoor area for creatures. The will be finding out about minibeasts. They will also have some caterpillars to look after and they will be watching how they grow and change.
The fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs are already implicitly embedded in the 2014 Early Years Foundation Stage.
In the Nursery we strive to set the foundations of the fundamental British values in way that is relevant to their age and stage of development.
• We teach children to be kind, helpful and respectful of others;
• We teach children about the world around them and use the seasons, weather, British special days, e.t.c. to plan meaningful learning experiences;
• We teach children to be part of their local community;
• We plan to celebrate festivals and mark special days from the world around us;
• We teach the children about compromise – that some of us believe one thing… some of us believe something totally different… but we can all play together in the same classroom and respect each other;
• We teach children to work together – we provide them with projects that involve everyone in the provision and we plan group times, where children learn to listen, take turns and value contributions from others.
• We teach children about the world in which they live – the world on their doorstep and the wider world – through books, posters, planned activities, resources, outings and much more;
• We teach children to listen and respect others.