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Year 4

Welcome to Miss Doyle's class!

We don't have long left in year 4 so we are working really hard to make sure we reach all of our targets so we're ready for year 5! 

In English we are currently looking at stories from other cultures. We will think about creating characters and including some great description to create images. We have been redrafting our writing to make it even better. 

In maths we are currently focusing on using and applying the skills we have learnt throughout the year.

Science - Habitats (with Mrs Taylor)
History - Ancient Greeks
PE - Cricket
Art - Greek art
DT - Making masks
Computing - Using iPads, creating music

Each child must be reading at home every night and this should be recorded in their reading diary. Bring the book that you are reading into school and tell the class about it - you will get a leaf on the tree!

"The more you read, the more you'll know.
Year four's tree will grow and grow!"

You could be helping your children by ensuring that they know their times tables.
It is essential that they can recall the multiplication facts up to 12x12.


Please remember your dinner money and building fund of 50p per week.
Children can buy toast every day for 20p a slice.
PE kits need to be brought into school every Monday, and taken home on a Friday.
Homework goes out on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Wednesday.

School Council
Year 4's school council representatives are Colin Nyjo and Justina Saju.  

Colin says, "I will be a good school councilor because I will help other people. I will try my best in everything I do and will help to make the school a better place."

Justina says, "The reason why I would like to be a school councilor is because I will make the school a better place. I would also like it because I loved the meetings last year. I am very helpful and I never make anyone upset."
