Well, were has this year gone? We are in the final half-term of this academic year and before long we will be saying goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 children as they move on to their new high schools. Before they leave us though, we have an exciting half-term ahead of us, with a number of interesting and exciting visits and activities for the children.
Sunday, 18th June to Wednesday, 21st June
Letters will be sent out early this week giving all the final details about pick up and drop off times. Along with the letter will be contact and medical forms.
These forms must be returned to school by Thursday, 15th June to allow time for final checks ahead of our trip.
The transition process has already begun, with a number of the children having already met staff from their high schools. Over the next few weeks, I will be in contact with all of the secondary schools who will be welcoming our children in September.
As individual schools make contact or arrange visits, the relevant children/parents of those schools will be informed.
Firstly let me say a big ‘WELL DONE’ to our wonderful Year 6 children who approached their tests with maturity and determination. I was so proud of each and every one!
The results are not due for a few weeks yet, but when they do arrive, a written copy of your child’s results will be sent home to you.
Diary dates:-
Finally - a quick reminder...