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Year 2

Week Beginning 31/10/22


Westley, you have worked so well in your Maths lessons this week.  Well done!  


Jacus, you have had such a good week in all subjects this week.

Week Beginning 17/10/21


Isabella well done for the effort you have shown this week.


Year 2 - you are all winners this week! You won the respect of the community in the way that you conducted yourself to and from the cinema trip.  Thank you for showing such respect to our community.

Week Beginning 10/10/22


Well done Annie-Mae and Leo for the positive contributions that you have both made to your own learning and supporting others with their learning this week.

Week Commencing 19/9/22


Amaris, you have made so many contributions to class this week- thank you.


Harry, Miss Watt has been so please with your effort this week.  That's fantastic. Keep it up.

Week Commencing 12/9/22


Calvin and Harrison, well-done for being certificate winners this week for your effort and hard work in class.


Year 2! You have won the best attendance again.  You have broken the magic figure of 97% again.  What a start to the new school year.

Week Commencing 5/9/22


What a brilliant start to the new school year Year 2!


Joshua, you have made so much effort in class and Derrie, you have settled in to our school brilliantly.


The whole class deserve so much credit for winning the attendance award this week, with a magnificent 100%.


We are all so proud of you for this achievement.

Week Beginning 11/7/22


Toby, so many adults in school have mentioned how respectful and considerate of others you were today at the Leavers Service and Chanel, you were mentioned too for your beautiful singing.


Olivia, well done for being one of the 100% Attendance Raffle winners - I hope you buy something nice for yourself with your voucher.



Week Beginning 4/7/22


Cadence, you are such a good role model to everybody else in your class - thank you!


Archie, well done for working so hard at regulating your emotions.



Week Beginning 27/6/22


Luke, your kind, caring attitude to school life has been noticed by your classmates this week.


Catherine, your sense of responsibility and helpful attitude have been a great contribution to class this week.

Week Beginning 20/6/22


Emily B, you have been so good this week especially in your Maths lesson when you have demonstrated a wonderful understanding of time.


Heaven, I heat that you have been a role model to others in your class this week with your kind, considerate approach to others.

Week Beginning 13/6/22


Michael, you have made us all happy this week with the way that you have worked in all subjects across the curriculum but especially with the enthusiasm that you have shown in English.


Harriett, you have impressed us all with your beautiful singing in Music lessons this week.

Week Beginning 16/5/22


Lewis, you have settled in to our school and your class so well.  Miss Watt would like to recognise this by awarding you one of her certificates this week.


The other goes to Cadence who has demonstrated such an impressive understanding of the events that unfolded in WW1.

Week Beginning 9/5/22


Jayden, Miss Watt was so impressed with your cypher code as part of your work in History this week. 


Harriett, you have shown such enthusiasm in Computing this week.


Well done to you both. 

Week Beginning 2/5/22


Rosie, we cannot wait to see your finished piece of work at the end of the Art topic.  Your enthusiasm for the topic is an example to all.


Bradley, well done for using a wider range of vocabulary in your communication. That will help with your spoken and written skills.

Week Beginning 28/3/22


Mason, it has been marvellous to see your improved confidence in PE lessons.


Catherine, you have shown yourself to be a kind and considerate person once again - how wonderful!

Week Beginning 21/3/22


Chanel, you have impressed your teachers this week by producing such quality pieces of work in Science.


Lola, you have shown an incredible attitude towards all of your work this week: well done.

Week Beginning 14/3/22


Emily B, it is so nice to hear how you have been a kind friend to others.  That is a wonderful quality to have.


Catherine, Miss Henderson has been so impressed with your work in Maths this week.  Your work on pictograms has been wonderful. 

Week Beginning 7/3/22


Heaven, it is so pleasing to hear about how hard you have worked this week in all lessons.  Fantastic - keep it up!


Marvellous, you have lived up to your name this week with the brilliant work you have done in Maths.


Year 2 - Well done for winning the attendance award this week.  Your attendance rate of 98.7% is wonderful!  See if you can be the winners next week too!

Week Beginning 28/2/22


Ben, I have loved hearing about how you are applying the skills that you have learnt in phonics to help you read new, longer words.  Well done for using your phonic knowledge so well.


Olivia, Miss Watt says that you have the most positive attitude to your learning: that will help you so much to make progress. Well done!


Daniel, I am so proud of the way you showed consideration towards a younger pupil this week and helped him to come in to school.  It was wonderful to see you looking after him so considerately. 

Week Beginning 14/2/22


Jayden, you have made Miss Watt very happy this week because you have put so much effort in to your learning.  Well done.


Carlos, it is lovely to see how much progress you are making in your phonics.  Fantastic news!

Week Beginning 7/2/22


Emily C, you deserve credit and recognition for your wonderful retelling of the Last Supper in your RE lesson this week.


Rosie, I am so pleased to hear about how fluent your reading has become.  


It was a third person from Year 2 who won Mr Doyle's certificate the week - Luke.  I have so enjoyed watching you enjoying quite independent reading this week.


Week Beginning 31/1/22


It has been such a good week this week that Miss Watt has awarded THREE certificates for her class this week!


Firstly, Emily B has been awarded one for her fluency in her timetables this week.


Harriet has been awarded another for her excellent retelling of Kitty Wilkinson's story in history.


Also, Louis has been awarded one for being so helpful to Mrs Dwyer in her First Aid duties.


Well done all of you. 

Week Beginning 24/1/22


Catherine, I was so pleased to hear that you have been chosen for a certificate this week because of the fluency and expressiveness of your reading.  Could you come and read to Mr Doyle one afternoon? I love listening to stories.


Wow Archie - what brilliant news to hear about your positive attitude this week.  Keep it up!


Mr Doyle awarded his whole-school certificate to someone who made a big difference to someone else's day by a small act of kindness.



Week Beginning 17/1/22


Heaven, how nice to hear about the wonderful quality of your work this week in all subjects.


Elsie, you have shown such wonderful listening skills.  It is so important to listen to adults and other children in school as a part of learning new things.

Week Commencing 10/1/22


Olivia, it is always so nice to hear from a teacher that a pupil has been chosen for the certificate because of their caring, compassionate character.  Well done to you; your classmates are lucky to have you in their class.


Noah, you have been chosen for similar reasons: well done for showing yourself to be a kind and helpful boy to others.


Fantastic news Year 2 - you have won the certificate for best attendance this week.  96.6% - so close to the 97% target.  Keep it up.

Week Commencing 3/1/22


Neveah, you have worked so hard to improve your handwriting and presentation this week - well done!


Autumn, you have shown so much enthusiasm towards your learning this week.  You should be very proud.

Golden Letter Winners


Well done to Emily C and Marvellous for being the recipients of this term's Golden Letters for Year 2.


Emily, you have worked hard and have been a role-model to others this term.


Marvellous, you have shown yourself to be an inquisitive and enthusiastic learner.


Great news and well done both of you.

Week Commencing 6/12/21


Well done Daniel and Emily for your fantastic performances in our virtual Nativity this week.


Nevaeh, Mr Doyle was so pleased to see you demonstrating such good manners and politeness this week to your peers; your little acts of consideration make everyone's day a little happier.

Week Commencing 29/11/21


Well done Mike for giving 100% effort in all of your lessons this week.


Well done too Bradley also who has shown a caring, considerate attitude to others this week.



Week Commencing 22/11/21


Max, I am so pleased to hear about another pupil aiming for the 7Cs - Miss Watt has been so happy to see your improved confidence in Maths lessons.


Bradley, you have impressed to this week with your considered questions in Come and See.

Week Commencing 15/11/21


Amelia, well done for using and applying your Phonic knowledge in other areas of the curriculum this week.


Kalem, it was so nice to hear Miss Watt describe how, not only have you done so well in your own Maths this week, but you were considerate enough to explain to your working partner how you did it to help them.



Week Commencing 8/11/21


Emily C and Toby were chosen to be the recipients of Miss Watts certificates this week: Emily because she has demonstrated a positive attitude across all areas of the curriculum; and Toby for doing extra work both in class and at home.

Week Commencing 1/11/21


Catherine, you have been such a good example to the rest of your class this week that Miss Watt would like you to receive one of her certificates.


The other certificate goes to - the WHOLE class!  It was so nice to hear that other visitors to the zoo were so complimentary about your behaviour.  Well done and thank you.


Week Commencing 18/10/21


Miss Watt has chosen Emily to be a recipient of one of her certificates this week because of her impressive gymnastic skills.  


The other recipient of a certificate is Noah who impressed everyone in the class with his geographical knowledge.

Week beginning 11/10/21


Well done Cadence for being recognised by your classmates as a great role-model and Nevaeh for being such a kind, considerate friend.  You both deserve your certificates.

Week Beginning 4/10/21


I was so pleased to hear about the fabulous example that a boy has set to the rest of his class this week.  Well done Louis.


Another boy impressed Miss Watt with his amazing Maths skills this week - Jayden.  Well done to you too.

Week Beginning 27/09/21


Lola, I hear that you have been a fantastic role model to other pupils this week.  That's lovely to hear.


Michael, Miss Watt has been so please with your work in Maths this week.


Well done you two.

Week Beginning 20/09/21


It made me so happy to hear the reasons why Miss Watt chose her two certificate winners this week, because they are children who are trying to live out our code of conduct and 7Cs:


Rosey, for being such a kind, caring friend and ;


Archie, who has shown great resilience in all his lessons.


Well done you two, we are all very proud of you.

Week Beginning 13/09/21


Mr Doyle has been so pleased with you this week Year 2.  The example that you are setting in the hall at lunchtimes to our new Reception children is brilliant.  Please keep it up.  When I went to speak to you in class about it, you were all concentrating so hard on your fractions that I didn't want to disturb you.


Miss Watt has chosen two pupils this week for special mention: Ben for working so well on his Phonics and Chanel who demonstrated an inquisitive mind and good understanding  in the Geography topic about animal adaptations to environments.

Week Beginning 6/9/21


Miss Watt has had a lovely week with her new class, but there have been two pupils who have impressed especially: they are Emily who has produced wonderful work in Maths and Cadence who has written so well this week.


Well done Year 2.
