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Year 1

Mrs Alexander, Mr Wall, Mrs Tunney and Mrs Brabin welcome you to Year 1 2017-2018


Remember to be in the line at quarter to nine, when we return to school on Monday 4th September.


School Uniform Reminder: Please make sure your child's name is written in all your school clothing. 


Morning prayer for children before school. More

Come and See - Autumn Term

Our PE lessons are on a Wednesday afternoon.  Please make sure your child has their full kit (shorts, t-short, black pumps) in school each week. Please make sure every item of clothing has their name in to avoid confusion when getting changed.

Exciting News!


Y1 Trip to the Museum of Liverpool


On 13th October, Year 1 will be visiting the Museum of Liverpool as part of our History Topic on the recent past.  We will be exploring toys and transport, as well as visiting the Little Liverpool Exhibition. 



Our Day Out at the Museum of Liverpool

Y1 PE/Gymnastics is every Friday afternoon this half-term.  Please make sure your child has their PE Kit in school.



Year 1 Sign Language Assembly - Friday 24th November 2017 at 9.15 am in the school hall.  Please come and see how amazing your children are.
