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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Teacher - Mrs Alexander

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Thompson


Morning prayer for children before school.




Welcome to the beginning of a new school year.  Mrs Thompson and I are looking forward to working with our wonderful, new Year 1 children and their families.




School Uniform - Please make sure you write your child's name in all school uniform.  As you can imagine, it can be very difficult to match articles of clothing to children if they do not have their name in.  Thank you for your help with this.


PE - Our day for PE is Wednesday.  Please make sure your child's kit is in school every week. (school shorts, t-shirt, black pumps) Again, please make sure all PE kits have their name in.


Homework - The children will be given homework every Friday. Please complete and return homework by the following Tuesday to earn a Class Dojo point.


Home Reading Book - Please support your child by listening to them read every night. Remember to comment and sign their Reading Record.  This year the children can earn points for every book they read at home.  For every five books read, they will receive a reward.  How many books will your child be able to read in a year?






Y1 Curriculum - Autumn Term 1

Please see the Planner below to find out what your child will be learning about this half term.

Our Lady and St Philomena’s Catholic Primary School

Half termly forecast of work for Year 1 – Half termly period: Autumn 1

Teacher – Mrs Alexander



Labels, lists and captions

Stories with familiar settings



Number and place value

Continuous objectives






Animals including humans.


Religious Education:

Domestic Church Family - Families


Baptism/Confirmation -Belonging - Belonging



Coding, robotics and gaming


Not being taught this half term


Changes within living memory




Exploring Sounds

Exploring Beat


Not being taught this half term


Physical Education:

Striking and Fielding

Design Technology:


Wheels and axles








We are hoping to take the children on a trip to Liverpool Museum towards the end of the half term. We will be looking at how our world has changed since our grandparents were young. The museum has excellent resources to support our topic.  We will let you the date and the cost of the trip soon.


Image result for liverpool museum

Our Day Out


To end our History topic - Events in the Recent Past, we are going to Liverpool Museum on Friday 21st September 2016 for the day.  The cost of the trip will be £7.00 per child.  Please complete the permission slip (sent home 27th September) and return to school as soon as possible with the £7.00.


Thank you.

Year 1 Team 




Our Day Out - Museum of Liverpool


Year 1 enjoyed their day out to the Museum of Liverpool where we were able to experience playing with toys and looking at vehicles from the recent past.  A lovely ending to our History topic for the Autumn Term.


India Week

Look at the exciting things Year 1 did during India Week.


Christmas Craft Fun in Year 1.  Our parents and carers came into class for the afternoon to share in making a paper plate Rudolph.

World Book Day 2017


We all dressed up for World Book Day.  Do you recognise who we are?


Parent Craft Afternoon


Thank you to all the parents who came into Year 1 who came into school to work with their own and other children.  To link with our History topic on The Wright Brothers, we made paper aeroplanes and then saw how far they flew.

Kite Flying in Coxteth Park


Year 1 went to Croxteth Park to fly kites.  Our trip was linked with our History Topic on The Wright Brothers.  The Wright Brothers used box kites to develop gliders and then the first powered aeroplane.


Please make sure that your child's Reading Book is in school each day. 

Homework is given out every Friday and must be completed and returned by Tuesday.

PE is each Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their full kit (t-shirt, shorts, black pumps) in school.

Thank you.
