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Year 2

 Welcome to Y2!


Welcome to class 2S. Class 2S is taught by Mrs Hughes, Mrs James and is supported by Mrs Taylor.There are 24 children in this class.

Here are some of the things that we do through the week:
  • Every Friday we have PE so don't forget your kit.
  • Spellings are given out on Monday and tested on Friday
  • Homework is given out as best fits with what we are doing in class, sometimes it will be a "go and find out about..." type homework, or a "learn this" type or on other occasions a "complete this". Normally homework is expected to be handed in (or in a long project the progress is monitored) a week after it has been given.
Maths homework for Spring 2 is to learn your 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Start with the two times tables and then go on to ten and five times tables. When you know those, work on your three and four times tables.

Things that happened in February 

In February some of our parents came in for the afternoon. We listened to Julia Donaldson's story 'The Gruffalo'. We made some amazing cartoon strips of the different characters.


Sports Day 2016
