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Year 1

Week Beginning 31/10/22


Lennon and Dorcas thank for joining in so well and working so hard this week.

Week Beginning 17/10/21


Julen, well done for working so hard on your phonics this week.


Skyla, you brighten up all our days with your cheery approach to school.



Week Beginning 10/10/22


It has been a great week for Year 1 because three children were chosen for certificates this week: Jack and Lewis for their excellent work in lessons and Jaxon for his lovely manners.

Week Commencing 19/9/22


Jude and Jaxon, Miss Keogh has been so impressed with the way that you have both tried so hard with your work this week: counting forwards and backwards and joining in so well with all your activities. Well done, you two. 

Week Commencing 12/9/22


Well done Holly and John for your work in class this week using your Phonics skills to help you read.  Keep up the good work.

Week Commencing 5/9/22


Kendall, well done for being chosen by your teacher for your work in class this week.


Zach, we are so proud of the effort that you have put in to your phonics lessons this week.

Welcome to Year 1

2021 - 2022


Class Teacher: Miss Keogh


Class Assistant: Mr Wall


Miss Keogh and Mr Wall would like to welcome you to our Year 1 page and congratulate the children on making such a smooth transition from Reception into Year 1. The children have settled into their class and new routines really well and we are so pleased to see their enthusiasm for learning and their kind and helpful attitudes. 


Year 1 begins the children's journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year!  We do lots of creative and hands-on learning throughout the curriculum.


Sharing responsibility and working as a team is also a big focus in Year 1 - both in class and across the school. We also work together to become more independent and responsible for our own learning and development as individuals.


  • Our PE day is Wednesday - please could children come to school dressed in PE kits on these days.


  • Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be returned the following week.  


  • Please can reading books be brought into school every day. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to speak to us. 


I hope that we can work together to make sure your children do the best they possibly can and have a happy time in Year 1. 

Phonics Screening Information

Measurement in Year 1! We have had an exciting lesson of measuring using rulers, measuring jugs and weighing scales.


Pompeii volcanic eruption

Still image for this video

Week Beginning 11/7/22


Payton, you have done so well in practising your Phonics this week.


Damilola, thank you for being such a caring person with wonderful manners.



Week Beginning 4/7/22


Well done Joshua for your work in Science this week and your investigations in to the properties of materials.


Harrison, I am so pleased to hear about your improved editing skills and adding more detail to your writing.


Week Beginning 27/6/22


Isabella, you have worked so hard on your phonics this week and have made such good progress as a result.


Olive, your positive attitude and wonderful manners are a great contribution to our class.

Week Beginning 20/6/22


It was nice to hear that Miss Keogh had a difficult task choosing her certificate winners this week because so many children have had a fantastic week.


However, she did manage to choose two and the winners are:


Joel for his growing confidence and independence;


and Ruby who has shown a keen, enthusiastic attitude to her work.


Week Beginning 13/6/22


Amaris, well done for the enthusiasm and effort that you have shown in geography this week.


Anniemae, your resilience and determination in Maths this week has been wonderful.

Week Beginning 16/5/22


Juwonlo, well done on working so well this week and making such positive contributions to collaborative work in your class.


Ruby, you have show such a creative flare this week and great enthusiasm in the rehearsals for your class performance for the Jubilee celebrations.


Calvin, you have again demonstrated such a kind and considerate attitude to other children in school this week.  It is such a wonderful quality of yours.

Week Beginning 9/5/22


Well done Christopher G for the excellent thinking skills and level of engagement that you have shown in this science topic.


Juwonlo, you have impressed so much this week with your enthusiasm in Maths lessons.

New Brighton Geography trip

Still image for this video

Week Beginning 2/5/22


Ansa, it is lovely to see you growing in confidence in Maths.  Miss Keogh has told me all about your enthusiasm in Maths and how you are working more and more independently.


The other certificate this week was not awarded to a child but to the whole class!  Year 1 we are so proud because of the number of people who complimented the staff on your fantastic behaviour during your trip to New Brighton this week.  Your geography fieldwork was excellent (as well as learning some Science and practising Art on the same day).


Mr Doyle gave his certificate this week to Calvin because he was so kind and caring to another boy who had tripped and hurt himself during play time.  It was touching to see Calvin so concerned for another child.

Week Beginning 28/3/22


Caitlin, it has been wonderful to see your increased confidence and improved collaborative working this week.


Westely, well done for demonstrating so much resilience in your independent work this week.

Week Beginning 21/3/22


Leo, you have made wonderful contributions to RE lessons this week and have demonstrated a very thoughtful approach to Lent and how you could make changes in your life to help others.


Anniemae, you are always a kind and thoughtful person to others and try your best in all subjects. 


Well done to Caitlin and Amaris who have received red and blue belts in Karate this week.  It is lovely to see our children achieving recognition outside of school.

Week Beginning 14/3/22


Sofia, Miss Keogh is so pleased with your growing independence in school; this is a very important life skill that you are learning.


David, it is so lovely to hear about how cheerful you are in class and your happy spirit cheers up other people. You make our school a happier place.

Week Beginning 7/3/22


Amaris, it was wonderful to hear how focused you have been in Maths this week and Miss Keogh is so pleased with the progress that you have made.


Calvin, you have shown an excellent attitude this week and made some excellent contributions to lessons.

Week Beginning 28/2/22


Caitlin, it has been wonderful to see your eagerness to work this week and the way that you have set yourself high standards to achieve.  What a great attitude to learning!


Gracie, you have shown fantastic resilience recently in the way that you have improved your listening skills and joined in with lessons so well - keep it up!

Week Beginning 14/2/22


Harrison, well done for receiving recognition this week for your good manners and consideration of others.


Anniemae, Miss Keogh is so pleased with the hard work and effort that you have put in to your learning. 

Week Beginning 7/2/22


Christopher H, it was wonderful to hear about how knowledgeable you are on your History topic of the moon landings this week.


Isabella, it is always lovely to hear about a person in our school community who is recognised for their kindness, thoughtfulness and consideration.

Week Beginning 31/1/22 


You have contributed so much and shown such a keen attitude towards phonics Damilola: you deserve your certificate.


You too Juwonlo, because you have been so attentive in class this week. 

Week Beginning 24/1/22


Payton and Joel, you have both been chosen for certificates this week by Miss Keogh for exactly the same reason:  you have both shown increased confidence, resilience and positivity this week.  That's fantastic - keep it up!

Week Beginning 17/1/22


Harry, it was lovely to hear from Miss Keogh about how positive your attitude has been in school this week.  Keep it up  - being positive in your attitude is a very important part of making progress.


Shea, well done for being such a good example to all the other children in your class with the way that you behave and conduct yourself in school.

Week Commencing 10/1/22


Olive, it is great to hear how you are applying the skills that you learn in Maths to your independent work.  That will help you make progress.


Alex, I was so pleased to hear about your positive attitude to school since you returned after your recent illness.  Well done.

Week Commencing 3/1/22


Well done to Gracie - you have tried so hard at your phonics this week: it has been wonderful to see you working so independently.


Gabriella, you should be so proud of yourself this week because during our RE topic on Special People, so many of the class mentioned you as a special person because you are so kind and helpful.

Golden Letter Winners


Well done to Ansa and Leo for being the recipients of this term's Golden Letters for Year 1.


Ansa was recognised for her hard work and eager-to-succeed attitude in all that she does.


Leo, your dedication and enthusiasm to learning, and the way that you get on so well with others has been recognised 


Great news and well done both of you.

Week Commencing 6/12/21


David, I was so glad that Miss Keogh asked you to share you creative writing this week because it was so good.  Well done!


Miss Keogh chose her whole class this week for your brilliant performance in the school's virtual Nativity.



Week Commencing 29/11/21


Joel, it was lovely to hear about how your confidence is growing in Maths and you are working much more independently in lessons.


Harry, Miss Keogh has been so pleased with the effort and perseverance that you have shown in your learning this week. 


Well done to Miss Keogh too - she is the winner of the staff attendance this week!

Week Commencing 22/11/21


Well done David in the attitude that you have shown in your Maths learning this week.


Juwonlo, you have shown yourself to be a kind and considerate class member this week.  Thank you for your kindness.

Week Commencing 15/11/21


Caitlin, you have really impressed Miss Keogh with your attitude in every subject this week.  You have been an exemplary pupil.


Olive, Miss keogh has been so pleased with the Maths learning that you have demonstrated this week.

Week Commencing 8/11/21 


Well done to Christopher G for his excellent piece of writing this week and Ruby for being so resilient in Maths.


They are deserved recipients of Miss Keogh's certificates this week.

Week Commencing 1/11/21


Well Year 1, you made it so difficult for Miss Keogh to choose this week that in the end, she had to give her certificate to the whole class!  Your behaviour at Chester Zoo was so good.  Thank you for being such wonderful pupils.


Week Beginning 18/10/21


Shea, I was so please this week when Miss Keogh told me about the reasons why she had chosen you to receive a certificate. It was lovely to hear about your positive contribution to lessons and learning.  Miss told me that you always live up to our Code of Conduct.


Alex, it was wonderful to hear about the enthusiastic approach that you have taken towards your learning this week.

Week beginning 11/10/21


Well done Amaris - your classmates were so impressed with your work in Maths this week that they nominated you for a certificate.


Westley, you were chosen too because you are so good at including people in your games.


I am so proud of you both.


To make it even better for Year 1 this week, Mr Doyle chose Gracie for his certificate because she has been so enthusiastic about school this week.


Week Beginning 4/10/21


Ansa,  I was so please to hear about how hard you have worked and how much you have improved in your phonics this week.  It was lovely news Anse.


Harrison, how nice to hear about your lovely manners and kindness to other children.

Week Beginning 27/09/21


Aaliyah, Kiss Keogh has loved your enthusiasm for learning this week.  That is so nice to hear about.  


Annie Mae, Miss Keogh has also told me about how resilient you have been this week.


Well done you two - and well done to the whole class who won my certificate this week for your concentration and contributions that you made to your Science lesson this week.


Week Beginning 20/09/21


When Miss Keogh told me the reasons for the choices that she made this week for winners of the certificates I was so pleased, because these pupils are succeeding in living up to our school standards:


Christopher H who has been really positive in his attitude to school this week and;


Gabriella for showing great resilience.


Well done you two.


As well as that, you are the class winners for attendance this week.  With a figure of 98.1% you have made us all very happy.  Keep it up, Year 1.


Week Beginning 13/09/21


We are so proud of you Alex for doing so well this week to follow class routines.  Keep up the great work!


Leo, you have done so well this week with you work in Maths.  Well done! 



Week Beginning 6/9/21


Miss Keogh has really enjoyed her first full week with her class this week.


Her two stars of the week have been Joshua who has tried so hard to follow class rules and Sofia who has tired so hard with her phonics and blending.


Well done you two, and the whole class for settling in to Year 1 so well. 
