On this web page we will be putting lots of information about all the exciting things we will be doing throughout the year. Remember to keep in touch with us through Class dojo were regular updates of what is going on in class will be shared.
Mrs Southern - Class Teacher
Mrs Fairclough - Nursery Nurse
Welcome back to the new year of 2023.
This half term P.E. will be on a Wednesday and taught by LSSP Sports coach.
All children have now been given log in details for Oxford Owl - please try and complete the activities set with your child.
This week we have been reading Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. We decided to make some for ourselves and it didn’t disappoint. Take a look on our Twitter page to see the lovely response to our tweet about Pumpkin Soup.
Week Beginning 31/10/22
Ivy Lyn and Elliot you have grown in confidence, joined in so well and tried so hard with your phonics this week. Well done to you both
Week Beginning 17/10/22
Dominic and Juanna, you have been so good this week in joining in so well with your lessons, Well done.
Week Beginning 10/10/22
Well done Latisha for growing on confidence and Frankie for using what you learn in Phonics to help your reading.
Week beginning 05.09.22
We have had a lovely few days welcoming our new Reception children.
So proud to see how settled all the children are and looking so smart.
Preparing you child for school - Stories and games
BBC Bitesize - My First Day at School game
CBeebies | Topsy and Tim | First Day at School
Topsy and Tim tell us their top tips for having a great first day at school!
Topsy & Tim - FIRST DAY
It's the morning of Topsy and Tim's first day at school.
"I Am Absolutely Too Small for School" by Lauren Child | Read Along
Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School - Story Time
Starting School By Janet Ahlberg and Allan Ahlberg
Woolly and Tig - Going to School
Week Beginning 11/7/22
Julen, How lovely to hear about how you are trying hard to practise your English more when speaking.
The whole class deserve praise for their perseverance in Yoga Bears this week. You did so well with those difficult poses.
Well done Jason for being one of the winners in the 100% attendance raffle. Spend your voucher wisely.
Week Beginning 4/7/22
Layla, you have shown 100% commitment to your learning this week. Well done.
Zach, it is so nice to hear about your improved concentration in small group work this week.
Week Beginning 27/6/22
Cian you have made us all happy this week with your cheerful attitude and lovely smile.
Amelia A-K, the confidence that you have shown in class discussions this week has been amazing!
Week Beginning 20/6/22
Kendall, it is wonderful to hear about you growing in confidence, chatting, speaking up more in class and making more positive contributions to lessons. Well done.
Thomas, I was so happy to hear about your perseverance in writing this week and rising to the challenge set for you.
Week Beginning 13/6/22
Lewis, you have impressed Mrs Southern this week with your effort in Maths.
Holly, you have done the same in Phonics.
Well, done to both of you and thank you for working so well.
Week Beginning 16/5/22
Positive contributions and challenge are the words that spring out from Reception this week.
Lennon, you have made positive contributions to group work, especially Phonics, this week - well done!
Amelia J, you have been challenging yourself in Reading and Writing this week - that is excellent to see.
Week Beginning 9/5/22
Erin, well-done for the excellent contributions that you have made to Maths lessons this week.
Jack B, we are all so pleased to see the amount of effort that you are putting in to improving your handwriting and the presentation of your work.
Keep it up, both of you.
Week Beginning 2/5/22
Well done Jensen for your excellent behaviour this week and for being a fantastic role model to the rest of the class.
Alexis, it is wonderful to see you challenging yourself in school in the activities that you are attempting.
You will have a fantastic day on Friday looking at and learning about the animals from the Animobile!
Week Beginning 28/3/22
Daisy, you have done so well with your independent writing this week. Well done.
John, you have shown such a positive attitude to all your learning this week.
Week Beginning 21/3/22
Jacus, well done for the increased confidence that you have shown in your communication and language this week.
Skyla, it has been lovely to see you working so hard on your phonics.
Well done; keep it up!
Week Beginning 14/3/22
George it is lovely to see how you are coming on with your communicating with adults in school. You have put so much effort in this week.
Sienna, it is lovely to see how helpful you are around school to both adults and other children. You make school a happier place by being so considerate.
Week Beginning 7/3/22
The children who have won certificates from Mrs Southern this week are Thomas who has participated so well in his lessons this week and Nicholas who has shown such an improved attitude this week and has shown consideration to other pupils.
Well done you two, it is wonderful to see you both maturing and taking responsibility for you own learning.
Week Beginning 28/2/22
Well done Lily and Jaxon. It was great to see the way you joined in so enthusiastically with our visitors from As Creatives this week to work together on a poem
Week Beginning 14/2/22
What great news to hear this week about two children who have stood out because of their excellent behaviour and their progress in phonics - Layla and Jude, we are so proud of you both.
Week Beginning 7/2/22
Thomas well done for receiving a certificate this week for your attention and listening skills.
Jack, it was so pleased to hear about your excellent behavior.
Both of you - keep it up!
Week Beginning 31/1/22
Well done Lewis on trying so hard this week with your handwriting - keep on showing as much effort and you will notice lots of progress.
Thank you Jayden for contributing so much to our understanding of the Lunar New Year.
Week Beginning 24/1/22
It is lovely to hear how well you are settling in to our school, Jensen.
Layla, what a wonderful role model you are to others with your excellent behaviour.
Week Beginning 17/1/22
Well done Jason for continuing your learning at home. It is always so nice to hear about children using the skills that they have learnt at school in their homes.
Ibrahim, you have worked so well this week with your magnetic letters to make words - well done!
Week Beginning 10/1/22
Julen, it was so nice to hear how you have persevered so well this week with your work. Keep it up!
King, well done for trying so hard to participate in activities this week.
Week Beginning 3/1/22
Well done to Kendall for being kind and considerate to others and Amelia who has joined in with activities this week with much more enthusiasm. You deserve tour certificates from Mrs Southern!
Golden Letter Winners
Well done to John and Jude for being the recipients of this term's Golden Letters!
John was recognised for his keen enthusiastic approach to all that he attempts in school, and Jude for managing his feelings and emotions - that will make you a resilient learner if you keep it up.
Great news and well done both of you.
Week beginning 15.11.21
Cian it has been a pleasure watching you show interest in some of our activities this week.
Jacus we are delighted with the progress you are making in your phonics; in particular with recognition of letter sounds.
Week beginning 08.11.21
Thomas we have been so pleased with your progress in daily phonics this week. Well done and keep up the hard work.
Holly we love spending time in the role play areas with you as you make play so fun and imaginative.
Week beginning 01.11.21
Well done to Daisy for trying really hard with her letter sounds in phonics this week.
Jason you are such a kind, caring boy who always has a smile on his face.
Well done to you both for your hard work this week.
Week beginning 18.10.21
A big well done to Sienna for your hard work in phonics this week.
George it is so lovely to see you joining in and taking part in our activities.
Well done to you both.
Week beginning 11.10.21
Skylar you are such a happy and positive little girl who always puts a smile on our faces.
Jack L you always have such beautiful manners.
A big well done to you both.
Week beginning 04/10/2021
Well done Amelia for receiving your certificate for trying so hard in all we do in class.
Jaxon you are a superstar for always being super helpful, well done.
Week beginning 27/09/21
A big well done to Alexis for receiving a certificate for being so kind, caring and considerate.
Well done John you received your certificate for showing enthusiasm in all we do.
Keep up the hard work.
Week beginning 20/09/21
This week in Reception Jack and Layla were chosen for certificates.
Jack for being so kind and such a wonderful friend.
Layla for growing in confidence and joining in with group activities.
A big well done to you both!
Week beginning 13.09.21
This weeks certificate winners were:
Thomas Harwood - For settling into school life and beginning to follow our rules and routines well.
Jude Smith - For always coming into school with a smile.
Week Beginning 6/9/21
Wow! What a week it has been for our new Reception children!
When it came to choose two stars of the week Mrs Southern just couldn't pick two. The whole class have been so good that she had to award her certificate to the whole class.
That's brilliant Reception! Well done on a great week settling in to our school.