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Year 3

Week Beginning 31/10/22


Jayden and Lola, thank you for being such good pupils this week.  You have been stars!

Week Beginning 17/10/21


Chanel and Elsie, well done for your approach to learning this week.  You have produced thoughtful and original work because you have shown such interest in your subjects.

Week Beginning 10/10/22


Cadence and Bradley, thank you for making positive contributions to your class this week and working so well at making progress in your learning.

Week Beginning 3/10/22


Year 3, thank you so much for leading us in our whole school Harvest Assembly.  It was lovely to be able to share an assembly with families again and invite them in to school to join us.  You did a wonderful job in leading us in prayer, song and in reflecting on the importance of gratitude. 

Week Commencing 19/9/22


Emily B and Noah, you have been fantastic role models to the rest of the class this week.  Thank for demonstrating to others how to improve and make progress through hard work.

Week Commencing 12/9/22


We have three certificate winners from Year 3 this week!  Michael and Harriet have been chosen for their fantastic work in English lessons and Mrs Radford chose Olive for her beautiful singing at Mass.

Week Commencing 5/9/22


Emily C, well done for paying so much attention this week to the presentation of your work.  You obviously want to present your work like a Junior Pupil!


Ahmed, you have settled in to our school so well and have already shown how to meet class and school expectations.  Thank you.

Week Commencing 11/7/22


Lula and Annmary, you both read so well at the Year 6 Leavers' Service - thank you.



Week Commencing 4/7/22


Tomith, your contributions to Come and See this week have been fantastic.  Thank you.


Oskar, well done for working so hard at improving your handwriting.

Week Commencing 27/6/22


Nova, how wonderful for you to be recognised this week for your kind, considerate personality.  They are great characteristics to have.


James, I am so please to hear about your improved use of punctuation in your writing.  Well done for working so hard at it.


You are attendance winners this week! Keep it up you might get to Sector 8!

Week Commencing 20/6/22


Milan, well done for the independent reading that you have undertaken at home.  Reading at home is such an important part of your education.  Well done for realising this.


Larna, you too have put in extra work this week with your independent research on your Geography topic on Earthquakes.


Mr Doyle has given his certificate to a member of this class this week - Jasmine, I appreciate your kind, considerate, caring attitude to younger pupils especially so much. Thank you.

Week Commencing 13/6/22


Jasmine, well done for the effort that you have shown this week in Maths lessons - you are showing improved understanding of fractions!


Ben, what a  wonderful week you have had in Geography with your thoughtful questions and ideas around Earthquakes.


Week Commencing 16/5/22


Thomas F, we've all been impressed by the improved effort that you have put in to your work this week.  It has been wonderful seeing you complete the tasks set for you.


Oskar, your enthusiasm in the History topic has been such a positive contribution to our learning this week.

Week Commencing 9/5/22


It is so good to hear about how you are improving your ability to work independently Nellie - you are aiming to be a successful, resilient learner - keep it up.


Milan, it is wonderful to see you taking such pride in the presentation of your work.  You are making a conscious effort to slow down and pay attention to this aspect of your work - well done!

Week Commencing 2/5/22


Milla, you obviously enjoy your topic on the Ancient Egyptians because you have been so enthusiastic in your learning during this History topic.  Well done!


James, you have tried so hard in all your lessons this week - that is so nice to hear.

Week Commencing 28/3/22


Thomas, you have worked so well and produced wonderful work in Science this week.


Gabriel, you have shown yourself to be a kind and considerate person this week.  They are wonderful qualities.

Week Commencing 21/3/22


Millie, your Science investigation this week was such a good piece of work.  Well done.


Nikolas, it is wonderful to see you growing in confidence in your reading.

Week Commencing 14/3/22


Milla, well done for the wonderful writing that you have produced this week.  It is lovely to see you expressing yourself so well in writing: this is a very useful life skill.


Anthony, well done for focusing so hard on your targets in class and doing your best to achieve them.


All our pupils and families have been generous this week in donating to Comic Relief and our Ukraine appeal, but I feel that Rose deserves special mention.  To give the money that she received from the tooth fairy to the Ukraine appeal shows a real generosity of spirit.  Thank you Rose.



Week Commencing 7/3/22


It is so good Tyler to hear about how you are focused on achieving your targets: that is such a good way to make progress in your learning.


James, it is fantastic to hear about how positive you have been in school this week and the contributions that you have made to learning in your class this week.

Week Commencing 28/2/22


Louie, I am so please to hear about how you are using one of the 7Cs  (improving your confidence) to help you build up your resilience.


Elliott, I heard all about how fantastic you were in writing a poem for World Book Day.

Week Commencing 14/2/22


Ayesha, you have shown yourself to be a caring person in lessons and on the playground this week.  Thank yo for caring about other people.


Gabriel, you have demonstrated such a positive attitude to school this week- it has been lovely to see! 

Week Commencing 7/2/22


Jasmine, you deserve your certificate this week for working so hard at improving your spelling.


The same applies to you Lula because you have shown great motivation to learn.

Week Commencing 31/1/22


Layla, you have been a fantastic role model this week with your wonderful behaviour.


AnnMary, it has been lovely to hear that you have been putting the 7Cs of resilience in to practice with your fantastic contributions to lessons this week.

Week Commencing 24/1/22


I was s o pleased to hear about the positive contributions that you have made to lessons this week Ben.  That's excellent news.


Larna, you will have to show me the creative writing in your psalm that Miss Williams mentioned in assembly.

Week Beginning 17/1/22


Nova, how wonderful to hear about your increased confidence in class.  I am so pleased to see you working at one of  the 7Cs of resilience!


Reece, I loved hearing about your fantastic work in English this week.  Keep up the great work. 

Week Commencing 10/1/22


Tomith, you deserve your certificate this week for your care and consideration to others.


Rose, be very proud of yourself for winning a certificate this week for your hard work and effort.  Well done!

Week Commencing 3/1/22


Well done Nellie, Miss Williams has been so pleased with the amount of effort and thought that you have put in to your work this week.  Keep up the hard work!


Kaiden, Miss Williams isn't the only adult in school who has noticed how well-mannered and considerate you are.  It is lovely to see.

Golden Letter Winners


Well done to Layla and Tomith for being the recipients of this term's Golden Letters for Year 3.


You were both picked by Miss Williams for exactly the same reasons - you try your best at everything and set excellent examples to others in your class. 


Great news and well done both of you.

Week Commencing 6/12/21


Rhys I loved hearing about how you have deployed coping strategies this week to improve your resilience (you are putting the 7Cs in to practice).


Also, it was great to see Tyler trying so hard to improve his handwriting this week.

Week Commencing 29/11/21


Mason, you have been chosen for a certificate this week by Miss Williams because of the contributions that you have made to learning this week, especially your well-thought out questions.


Louis, Miss Williams also chose you because of the care and kindness that you have demonstrated to others.

Week Commencing 22/11/21


Nellie, it was so nice to hear about why you won one of Miss Williams's certificates this week - for your positive contribution to lessons.  It is so nice to see pupils striving for the 7Cs.


Tomith, you set an excellent example every week in your behaviour - well done to you!

Week Commencing 15/11/21


Thomas, how wonderful to hear that you have been trying so hard to reach your targets this week.


Ayesha, well done for having the confidence to make more contributions to your learning this week.  That's two of the 7Cs that you've tried to demonstrate.



Week Commencing 8/11/21


Another great week for Year 3 because:


it was a representative of this class that was picked for Mr Doyle's certificate for his consideration and kindness to someone who needed assistance this week;



and Miss Williams was the winner for the staff attendance.


In addition, Oskar was chosen by his class teacher for meeting his targets this week and Ben for showing more confidence in his Maths.


Well done.

Week Commencing 1/11/21


Nova, you have been chosen this week because you have been so helpful to others in your class this week.  it is always so pleasing to hear of children caring for each other in this way.


Ann Mary, Miss Williams was really impressed with your thank you letter this week to Chester Zoo, with a wide range of punctuation.  What lovely manners and a very good piece of writing.  



Week Commencing 18/10/21


Year 3 had a very enjoyable museum trip this week to reinforce their learning from their history topic on the Stone-Age.  It was so pleasing to hear from museum staff and the adults who accompanied our children that their behaviour was exemplary.


Miss Williams awarded her certificates this week to Thomas for a well-written piece of extended writing and to Millie who has practised her reading in school and at home.


Week beginning 11/10/21


Well done Milla and Elliot for being chosen by their classmates this week to receive the certificates.


Milla was chosen because she was recognised as a wonderful role-model and Elliot for settling in to our school so well.



Week Beginning 4/10/21


Lula, your contributions to lessons have been amazing this week. Positive contributions is one of our 7Cs and it is lovely to see following them by your participation in class.


Milan, you have worked so hard at your handwriting this week.  Well done on your effort and attitude. 

Week Beginning 27/09/21


Rose, you have been chosen by Miss Williams this week for the beautiful prayer that you wrote in your RE lesson and James, I was so pleased when Miss told me about your resilience in Maths lessons this week. Congratulations to both of you.  Keep up the great work.

Week Beginning 20/09/21


Milla, what a great week this has been for you and your sister! You have also been chosen this week as a certificate winner for the same reason - wonderful, well-presented creative writing!  Well done!


Gabriel, Miss Williams has been so impressed by your problem solving  in Maths this week.  It's great news to hear that you are working so hard at your Maths.

Week Beginning 13/09/21


Year 3, you have settled so well in to the Juniors: it is such a delight to see!


Two people have really shone this week: Anthony for his enthusiasm and his positive contribution to the classroom and Layla, who sets such a good example to other pupils. 


We can tell already that you are going to be such an asset to the Juniors in our school.

Week Beginning 6/9/21


Year 3, you have settled in to the Juniors so well,  We are all very proud of you.


Two pupils in particular have stood out for Miss Williams this week are Jasmine who has shown a very positive attitude and and Larna, whose descriptive writing has really impressed.


Keep up the great work Year 3!
