Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5's class page


On this page we will be adding details about all the exciting things that Year 5 get up to...




  • In English we are learning to write explanation texts (instructions).
  • Our class book is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
  • In Maths we are learning about number and place value (counting, sequencing, negative numbers, rounding and roman numerals).
  • Our History topic is entitled, "Was the coming of the railways the greatest change ever to happen in Britain?" The children have an optional homework task to research how trains have influenced art, literature, music or film.
  • In Come and See the children are working through the topic entitled, "Ourselves."
  • Our Science topic is about properties of materials.
  • PE lessons are on Monday and Wednesdays (please ensure that your bring your full kit).




Some links to try for our English lesson... Some nice interactive features on this site from a trusted source. A Mount Everest fact file. Take a look at the stunning 360 degree view from the top of Everest. Watch the BBC video and audio interview with Edmund Hillary. A BBC news report on the discovery of George Mallory’s body on Everest. A modern day test of the clothes worn by George Mallory on his Everest attempt. BBC News report from 1953. Hillary Johnson interview.
